Saturday, 18 February 2017

Great time to live...

The Bible is an amazing book, but its not just a book, its the living word of God. Each time we read it we learn about HIS story, the history of God and man. 
The last few days I've been reading Leviticus, and to be honest its a difficult read. The rules and regulations to be completed in order to be forgiven by God was a big ask. In fact while reading some of the instructions I thought to myself, "these people were set an impossible task - they were set to fail."
This disturbed me, I couldn't understand how the God I love and know loves me could make something so difficult. But then, I realised it wasn't about them being unable to complete the job, it was about Jesus coming to sort the problem out once and for all. God's plan always has been to send Jesus to fix our mess.
Therefore, even reading the difficult stuff in the bible is worth it - even though I don't understand all the rules, rituals and sacrificing in Leviticus, I can praise God that my adventure includes the fact that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. This means that I don't have to remember all these rules, I don't have to seek forgiveness through a sacrifice that I bring, instead I can fully rely on the sacrifice Jesus brought. I owe NOTHING - the debt is PAID IN FULL!