Wednesday, 18 January 2017

God's adventure!

To go with my year of adventure I have started a new bible app which enables me to go through the bible in a year. Each day I read both old and new testaments as well as a psalm. To be honest I'm not a big reader and have found it a challenge in one sitting. It was because of this that I decided to break the readings up during the day. So I read in the morning, during the day and in the evening too - this has meant I read God's word on and off throughout the day, giving myself chance to consider what I've read. It's not rocket science really, but it's helped me.
Anyway, yesterday's reading in the new testament was Matthew 16. In this chapter Jesus asks his disciples who people think he is, and who they think he is. Peter proclaims Jesus as the "Christ, the son of the living God!" At this point Jesus praises Peter and explains he will be the "Rock" on which the church will be built.
This passage continues with Jesus talking about the death that is set before him. Peter is not so happy now, his friend is facing death and he is not going to let this happen. Jesus' praise changes to a rebuke here - he tells him "you are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's."
This verse has been on my mind for 24 hours now. Do I see things from God's perspective or from my own? 
I want this year to be a year of adventure - the only way I can accomplish this is to look at things from God's perspective and roll with it. We join God in his mission not the other way around. Let's have the adventure of a lifetime and hand over the reigns to God and see what amazing things will happen! I can't wait to see what God will do this year, what God will allow me the privilege to be part of in his mission!

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