Saturday, 14 January 2017

The Adventure starts here!

Over the last few years I've had a struggle with my weight and my fitness. Previously I had lost 4 stone in weight and got my fitness levels up in order to run the GNR. The problems began when I broke my ankle nearly 2 years ago. This took me on a brand new journey in which I had to learn how to walk again and even put some of the weight back on. 
If I'm honest this last 2 years hasn't been great for me. I've not wanted to do any exercise and got myself into a slump. BUT, I serve an amazing God who loves me no matter what. Last September (2016) I decided to start to sort myself out and began to eat healthy again. The weight is slowly coming off and I can say that I am not far off my original goal. But there was a still a problem - my ankle!
This week I was at a conference and as it happens my birthday happened while away. On the evening of my birthday a word from God was given for me and my ankle. I was told that God wanted to heal me! I nearly jumped out of my seat! I was so excited! I went for prayer after the service, and to be honest my ankle felt really bad after prayer. It was painful and my lower leg was on fire. That night I prayed and asked God if he would heal me and stop the pain? I felt God tell me that I'd kept hold of the pins in my ankle too long! So I told God to have them and over the next few hours the pain slowly decreased. The following days my ankle felt more secure and the pain was gone however my ankle was sore as though I'd been for physio.
I know if you are reading this you are probably by now thinking when are you going to get to the point - we here is the point. This morning for the first time in nearly two years I went out for a run! I tried about a year ago and it didn't work, so I gave up trying - but this morning I ran! It wasn't far and to be honest it probably wasn't pretty, but nevertheless it was a run. My ankle landed properly for 95% of the time which is a huge thing for me! I want to share the story to give God all the glory. I serve an amazing, healing, loving God and want to share him with you! This year, 2017, is going to be an awesome year! I believe it is going to be my year of Adventure with God by my side. No matter what happens in the year ahead, I'm going to grab it with both hands and have an amazing adventure! 
If you don't know my Saviour, his name is Jesus. He died for you and I in order to pay the price for all our sin. Why not start 2017 with the greatest adventure of all and ask him to be your Saviour today? Why not join me in a year of adventure with Jesus and see what will happen in 2017? What have you to lose?

1 comment:

  1. Praise the lord , what a witness u r for him. May god continue to bless u and use u for his glory xx
